Our Locations


4325 Sumner Street, 68506


6700 Chatsworth Lane, 68516


Worship where you are

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Sumner Campus

    4325 Sumner Street, Lincoln, NE 68506



Our Sumner campus is located a few blocks from Bryan East. Here, you can find our 211 Sumner and our Sanctuary worship services. Christ Lincoln Elementary and Child Care can be found at our Sumner campus. Several sports group utilize our gymnasium, weddings and funerals meet in our worship spaces and fellowship hall, and our family ministries and other connection groups gather in our meeting spaces.

Worship Times

  Sanctuary Worship | 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am Sundays, 6:30 pm Mondays

  211 Worship | 9:30, 11:00 am Sundays

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Yankee Hill Campus

    6700 Chatsworth Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516



Our Yankee Hill campus is located near the Yankee Hill and 70th roundabout. Here, you can find our 211 Yankee Hill worship services. Christ Lincoln Child Care can be found here as well. Several sports group utilize our gymnasium, our family ministries and other connection groups gather in our meeting spaces, and various Bible studies utilize our staff offices.

Worship Times

  211 Worship | 9:00, 10:30 am Sundays

Worship Online

  Sanctuary | 8:00 am Sundays

  211 Yankee Hill | 9:00 am Sundays

  211 Sumner | 9:30 am Sundays


Christ Lincoln is one unified church in many locations, and we believe one of those locations can be right where you are. We believe that the Church is not limited by buildings or geography. We love gathering together in person, but sometimes that is not possible. Our hope is that worshiping at home with us gives everyone the chance to gather together in worship, connect with others, and find resources that will encourage and enrich them.

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Plan Your Visit

When starting a conversation, it's a great idea to introduce yourself. We are a church of sinners working to connect people to Christ, together growing in His word so that all may know Jesus. We are three worship communities, worshiping at two different campuses as one united church. We want your first visit to be stress-free. Take your next steps today.