For information on the call process for our 211 Yankee Hill Worship Community Pastor, click here.
For information on the 211 Yankee Hill Pastor call process, click here.
For information on the call process, click here.
At Christ Lincoln, we are blessed to worship with a growing congregation of over 3,000 individuals in weekly worship. We strive to operate the business of the church in accordance with God's plan for His people. Christ Lincoln is guided by a set of rules contained in the policy manual, guided by our constitution and by laws and overseen by our Lay Leadership Board and Financial Oversight Committee.
Working under what is known as policy-based governance, the nine-member Lay Leadership Board (LLB) meets monthly to receive ministry reports through the Director of Ministries and other staff members. LLB is charged with establishing the critical targets for the congregation and to work closely with the Director of Ministries, to see that they are met. LLB also approves the ministry budget.
Meets the Last Monday of the Month
5:30pm at our Sumner Campus
The Financial Oversight Committee (FOC) meets monthly to provide oversight of all the financial activities of Christ Lincoln. This includes regular review of the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Position, and Dedicated Accounts. The FOC is responsible for making recommendations on financial decisions to the LLB and assisting staff with budget preparation.
Meets the Fourth Thursday of the Month
4:30pm at our Sumner Campus
Our governing board and committee guide the congregation by implementing written policies instead of directly managing affairs. The Lay Leadership Board strives to empower our staff in making decisions that align with our LCMS beliefs, our annual goals, and, most importantly, our Savior, for the betterment of our congregation and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
We have gathered all of our church documents in one place, including our Christ Lincoln bylaws and constitution, our Lay Leadership Board and congregational meeting minutes. To view all of our minutes, click below.
We want to answer any questions that you may have! Send us an email today and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible.