We have considered using the Crawford house to help in our ministry work. Plans for the house itself are still being discussed. The garage will be used as a workshop and storage for facilities.
We are studying options for a central truck drop-off. The decision and implementation of a truck drop-off will occur in Phase 4.
Plans are underway to look at stacked parking extending out over our current far west parking area. The elevation of the current area allows us to do this cost effectively. This is planned as one of our additional phases.
The music room will be a part of the new 3rd floor that will be added to the school. This is included as one of our additional phases.
Yes, a baptismal font will be included as one of our additional phases in conjunction with the chapel.
Pricing options are currently being looked at. The decision and implementation will take place during phase 4.
Due to security and safety reasons, keeping access points to a minimum is crucial to keep safety a priority. We will consider using additional entrances for specific events.
Yes, we will be able to keep the school/3rd floor secured during school hours. The elevator and doors leading to it will require a badge that can be set with access to specific floors.
Will have an exact answer after FOC meeting on 7/25/19
With the recent purchase of the Cash House we can now explore tearing down the house and paving the area for additional parking.
We believe expansion allows us to vibrantly live out our mission of .... and our vision of.... If we continue in our current space, we will continue to experience limits on our mission and vision due to space constraints.
On Sundays our parking lot, commons area, and rooms are all used to their full capacity. On most weekdays at least 3 of our meeting spaces are used throughout the day. Saturdays we regularly use 3 of our meeting spaces, the Fellowship Hall, and the South or West Ministry Center for weddings. Congregants, staff, and visitors are all pressed to find available rooms and times for ministry, bible studies, and fellowship.
The addition to the west side of the building is projected to take 9-12 months to complete. This addition will take place in Phase 2.
Christ Schools Elementary has146 students for the 2019-2020 school year. Child Care & Half-Day Preschool at our Central (Sumner) Campus is 140. Child Care at our South (Yankee Hill) Campus is expected to open early fall with 45+ children and will have space for just over 100.