If you're new here, we want to welcome you! We are Christ Lincoln Church, a Bible-based, Christ-centered Lutheran church founded in 1949 in Lincoln, NE. Today, we meet as one church in two locations with over 1,000 people attending each weekend. We are an LCMS church that seeks to be welcoming to everyone. We believe that God works through everyone. No matter what your story is, we are so glad you are here! We are all about people because our Savior died for people, including you and me.


Our mission is connecting people to Christ, and together growing in His word. Our vision is so all may know Jesus.


At Christ Lincoln, we do everything we do so all may know Jesus. We look to help our congregants grow in their love for God and assist them in diving deeper into relationship with Christ. Take a look below as we have a list of our beliefs as a church:

WE BELIEVE that we are created and loved by the only true God.  God reveals Himself to us in Holy Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three persons and yet one God. WE BELIEVE that in the beginning God created the entire universe and everything in it by the power of His Word. WE BELIEVE that God loves all people and desires an intimate relationship with us. However human beings, beginning with Adam and Eve and continuing through history to each of us, have broken that relationship with God by our sin (missing the mark of perfection which God requires). We would all be lost forever, but... WE BELIEVE that, in spite of our sin, God continues to love us. Because of His love, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to rescue us from our lost condition. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified and died in our place (Good Friday), and raised again on the third day (Easter Sunday).

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit, through the Means of Grace (His Word, Baptism and Holy Communion), draws us into a faith relationship with God whereby we receive forgiveness and the gift of eternal life, restoring us to a beautiful relationship with our Creator! The Holy Spirit also strengthens our faith through these same Means of Grace. WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error in the original manuscripts. These Scriptures are the sole source of our teaching. WE BELIEVE that through the church God equips and empowers believers to serve Him by serving others and sharing the good news about Jesus.

WE ARE a Lutheran congregation and a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). The LCMS is a group of about 6000 congregations who affiliate with one another - each congregation is different from others, and yet we share the same commitment to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant Word of God and to the Lutheran Confessions as a correct exposition of the Scriptures.


We believe that the Bible teaches that a person is saved by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The Bible tells us that such “faith comes by hearing”. Jesus Himself commands Baptism and tells us that Baptism is water used together with the Word of God. Because of this, we believe that Baptism is one of the miraculous means of grace (the other two are the Lord's supper and God's Word), through which God creates and/or strengthens the gift of faith in a person’s heart. Baptism is from God and works forgiveness and cleanses a person no matter their age. Although we do not claim to understand fully how this happens, we believe that when an infant is baptized God creates faith in the heart of that infant. We believe this because the Bible says that infants can believe and that new birth (regeneration) happens in Baptism. The infant’s faith cannot yet, of course, be verbally expressed or articulated by the child, yet it is real and present all the same. The faith of the infant, like adults, also needs to be fed and nurtured by God’s Word.


God’s Word teaches the real presence of Christ’s body and blood invisibly in, with and under the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. In bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper, our Lord Jesus comes to us in His true Body & Blood. In this Holy Meal, one receives full forgiveness and perfect unity with each other. At Christ Lincoln, we take seriously the spiritual care of those who commune with us. We believe that Communion is a time when believers of like mind come close to the Lord and to one another. 

In our 211 Worship services, we take communion on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. In our Sanctuary Worship services, we take communion every Sunday. We have a few statements of faith that we ask you to be in agreement with before you take communion with us. If you are supportive of these beliefs, we welcome you to the Lord’s Supper. You may remain in your seat, come forward for a blessing, or reach out to a pastor with questions throughout the week.


Christ Lutheran Church began in October of 1949, meeting first in the school building at Calvary Lutheran, 28th and Sumner streets. The church moved to its present location not long after, and built the first chapel. The church has been served by four senior pastors over the course of its 70 years of service to our Lord Jesus and the community of Lincoln: Pastor A.G. Ahman (1949-1954), Pastor John Bredehoft (1954-1957), Pastor Charles Reimnitz (1958-1996), and Pastor Luke Schnake (1997 to present). Our Lord has blessed the ministry of our church over these many years. Additional staff, the many building projects, and many mission and education ministries have happened over these 70 years. The church started very small, but with the Lord’s blessings, we have grown much in these years, and we pray for continued blessings for the future.

So much has happened through the years at Christ Lincoln! Take a look at our extended timeline below.

Want to know what has happened recently at Christ Lincoln? Take a look at our annual report below.


At Christ Lincoln, we are blessed to worship with a growing congregation of over 3,000 individuals in weekly worship. We strive to operate the business of the church in accordance with God's plan for His people. Christ Lincoln is guided by a set of rules contained in the policy manual, guided by our constitution and by laws and overseen by our Lay Leadership Board and Financial Oversight Committee. Click below to learn more.